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Artificial Intelligence

Revisiting Joseph Weizenbaum’s Performance and Theory Modes in AI

The third paper in this AoIR 2023 session is Matthew Salzano, presenting a paper co-authored with the late Misti Yang. Their work focusses on Joseph Weizenbaum’s critique of AI, the creator of the Eliza chatbot and prominent AI theorist whose work offers a valuable vocabulary for the current AI discourse.

The Bots of the Subreddit Simulator and What They Reveal about Platform Cultures

The next speakers in this AoIR 2023 session are my QUT colleagues Daniel Whelan-Shamy and Dominique Carlon. Their focus is on playful engagement with and between bots in the Subreddit Simulator. Here it is especially interesting to explore what happens when bots interact with each other without the involvement of humans; the Subreddit Simulator provides this space, and enables an automated engagement between some 250 bots that make post submissions and comments.

Consequences of the Romantic Chatbot Replika

The final paper session on this first day at AoIR 2023 starts with Tony Liao and Liz Rodwell, whose interest is in AI chatbots; they begin by introducing the AI chatbot Replika, available as a Web and smartphone app, which is designed to steer users towards romantic and erotic conversations as they engage with it. This enables an examination of how users navigate their potential romantic relationships with the chatbot, and a comparison with the common relationship stages observed for human-to-human relationships.

Using AI to Analyse the URLs Shared on Facebook in the 2018 and 2022 Italian Elections

The third speaker in this AoIR 2023 session is the excellent Fabio Giglietto, who also works with the URL shares dataset provided by Facebook via Social Science One. He also utilises the generative artificial intelligence tools now provided by OpenAI in order to examine the themes of and partisan attention to the topics circulating in discourse surrounding the 2018 and 2022 Italian election campaigns.


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