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‘Fake News’

The Evolution of Topics in German Alternative Media Pages on Facebook

The next paper in this ECREA 2022 session is by Svenja Boberg and colleagues, but presented by proxy; it focusses on the growing attacks against mainstream media (as ‘lying media’ or ‘Lügenpresse’ in Germany) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Counterpublics on Telegram in Germany

It’s Saturday morning at ECREA 2022, and I’ve arrived a little too late to see the start of the session on online counterpublics, where Kilian Bühling is already in the middle of his presentation on German counterpublics on Telegram in the context of COVID-19.

Thematic Networks amongst the Sharers of Problematic Information on Facebook

The final paper in this ECREA 2022 session is presented by my colleague Dan Angus, and explores the sharing of mis- and disinformation on Facebook as part of our current ARC Discovery project. Our objectives are to identify and categorise the Facebook spaces that are sharing such problematic content, and the themes that they address in their sharing. This might also identify the interconnections and overlaps between such themes and topics, and the way that such connections change over time, especially with the impact of COVID-19 and other major disruptive events.

Here are the slides for this presentation, and my liveblog of Dan’s presentation follows below:

Conspiracy Theory Discourse on 4chan

The next ECREA 2022 session is on the dissemination of genuine and problematic news, and I’m involved in two of the papers being presented. We start with Bradley Wiggins, whose focus is on conspiracy theory discourse on 4chan’s /Pol board.

The Recurrence of Memes in New Contexts

The final speakers in this ECREA 2022 session are Bradley Wiggins and Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, whose focus is on QAnon. Bradley describes this as “a new American religion”, but also points out that it has elements of a LARP (live action role play); it gamifies increasingly violent insurrection. From the US this also reaches elsewhere, for instance with the Reichsbürger in Germany and other groups in Canada, Russia, and elsewhere.

From Media Literacy to Media Empathy? Dealing with Reactionary Digital Cultures

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 is Robert Topinka, whose interest is in reactionary digital cultures in the ‘post-pandemic’ environment. He is also releasing a report on this work. Such reactionary politics in the context of COVID-19 largely involves the rejection of the general consensus, and a call to take control of your own body. This is linked with far-right body culture, and any debunking and criticism from the mainstream just ends up reinforcing the message.

How Journalists View (Politicians’) Disinformation

The final speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is Maria Kyriakidou, whose focus is on journalistic understandings of disinformation. This is as part of the Countering Disinformation research project.

Towards a Typology of Disinformation Spreaders

The next speaker in this ECREA 2022 session is another one of my temporary University of Zürich colleagues, Anna Staender. Her study sought to develop a typology of the spreaders of misinformation across multiple countries. These may include state actors, politicians and celebrities, or alternative media outlets, for instance, but not enough is known yet about their impact; the specific focus here is therefore on alternative or hyperpartisan media actors.

Exposure to COVID-19 Misinformation in Spain, Brazil, India, and the US

The final session on this Thursday at ECREA 2022 that I’m attending is on disinformation, and begins with a paper by Laura Alonso-Muñoz and Andreu Casero-Ripollés that is being presented by proxy. It focusses on the circulation of misinformation via social media in the context of COVID-19.


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