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Quick Summary: CATaC 2006 Day Three
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Well, we're basically done - this is the third daily sum-up session, on this last day of CATaC 2006. Whatever 'it' is, Charles Ess says, it seems to have worked (and I would endorse this from my own perspective) - this has been an interdisciplinary conference which has embraced a wide range of perspectives. Culture isn't culture any more, and there has been a very broad range of theoretical backgrounds which people have employed.

Some interesting discussion ensues, in good part also about who remains left out from the research presented here - for example, while the full title of CATaC is 'cultural attitudes towards technology and culture', the main focus here has been on the Internet, with some side interest in mobile phones. We may need to adopt a broader focus to communication technologies as a whole (especially also in light of observations from Asian countries where Internet access happens especially via mobile phones, perhaps?). Also excluded are many of the non-users - whether these are gendered, age, or socioeconomic groups; perhaps a focus on the 'cultural attitudes' part of CATaC can help here, as non-use is also a cultural attitude. (But then non-use may be dependent also simply on the availability of sufficient funds.)

For further thoughts, remember that there's also still the CATaC wiki - but from here, goodbye CATaC 2006, and goodbye Estonia.

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