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More on Blogging...

Almost hidden away in an issue which is first and foremost on "Journalism and Black America", this issue of the Nieman Reports also contains a section on "Blogging and Journalism". <sigh> More reading... Got to start writing, got to start writing.

Semantic Web

Gathering some more information about the Semantic Web idea. These links are from Clay Shirky's very critical article on the topic: a Scientific American article by Tim Berners-Lee et al. which is one of the key publications on the topic, an excerpt from Berners-Lee's book Weaving the Web, and the Semantic Web Roadmap at the W3C.

Global PR Week

This from Trevor Cook:

I've been busy organising this inaugural event to be held from 12 - 16 July

The purpose of the week is to focus on some key issues and attract attention to the emerging role of PR bloggers in developing and spreading knowledge about public relations. Often decried as a secretive profession we want to share our knowledge with everyone and encourage a better understanding of the contribution we make to our societies

Linking the Real World

I've long maintained that the Internet is not virtual. Now it turns out that the 'real' world is becoming hyperlinked...

Downloaders 'unfazed by lawsuits'

The latest dispatch from the filesharing frontlines - interesting reading. As predicted, movie filesharing is now joining music, and legal actions or legal services have little impact so far.

We Media and much more

Finally worked my way through the very useful report We Media by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis at the Media Center at the American Press Institute. A good overview of what they term participatory journalism, with many connections to my own research. From this report, several further references also need investigation:

Preserving Lives

Yay - the International Internet Preservation Consortium, which I'm a member of, now has a public Website (which will, in good time, hopefully be preserved by the IIPC). The Consortium is a group of about a dozen national libraries around the world, aiming to develop tools for archiving noteworthy Internet content in their collections. I'm on the researchers' group which will advise on what we consider archive-worthy content, and how we would want to access it once it's archived.

Overwhelming Open Source

Like, wow. MIT has created a massive repository of open source-related research papers. I need more time for research.

Shifting from P2P to Stream Ripping

As if the music industry didn't have enough to worry about: Slashdot reports that users are now Shifting from P2P to Stream Ripping - that is, using their computers to 'tape' online radio stations 24 hours a day. Quality is good (and getting better); song IDs enable sorting and selection of incoming songs - as broadband spreads and bandwidth increases, this virtually untraceable brute-force approach to downloading music might really become a viable alternative...

The News, One Entry at a Time

A new Wired about the rise of blogging approaches to news reporting: The News, One Entry at a Time. Might be time to pull together all of these individual reports into a greater whole...


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